2022 Immunolin F18 World Championship: Day 1: Patience

After a week of perfect sailing conditions at Clearwater Beach, Florida, Mother Nature decided to take a break on Wednesday, the first day of the 2022 Immunolin F18 World Championship. 65 F18s and their crew waited patiently on the beach while PRO Todd Fedyszyn and the Race Committee sat offshore, hunting for the breeze. Light air filled in the early afternoon, and the RC set a course and started a race. The RC abandoned the race a few minutes after the start because the wind became too thin. Competitors and the RC will be ready for the westerly breezes forecasted for today, Thursday, October 13, to start Race 1 of the Immunolin F18 World Championship.
Ways to Follow the Regatta:
This website https://www.f18world2022.org/
Daily highlight videos from Icarus Sailing Media on this website.
Facebook Live Feeds From the Water on the Red Gear Racing Facebook
Red Gear Racing Instagram
TracTrac Race Tracking. Link to follow online or to download the app.
Race Documents (NOR, Sailing Instructions, Registered Competitors)