2022 Immunolin F18 World Championship: Day 0 – Ready for Racing

Photo Anna Suslova.
Ways to Follow the Regatta:
This website! https://www.f18world2022.org/
Daily highlight videos from Icarus Sailing Media on this website.
Facebook Live Feeds From the Water on the Red Gear Racing Facebook
TracTrac Race Tracking. Link to follow online or to download the app.
Race Documents (NOR, Sailing Instructions, Registered Competitors)
The 2022 Immunolin F18 World Championship’s first racing day begins tomorrow, Wednesday, October 12. It’s an active day here in Clearwater Beach, Florida, where regatta volunteers check in registrants, weigh F18 components, and brief media, among the countless other tasks that ensure a terrific regatta.

Competitors had a chance to warm up in the pre-event, the 2022 Red Gear Racing Championships, a multi-fleet regatta that included F16s and youth sailors in the F15s. The 2022 Red Gear Racing Championships ended on Monday, October 10. Thirty-nine catamarans in three classes competed in perfect sailing conditions in the three-day event. 15 F15s, the majority youth sailors, handled the breeze and the waves like pros. Some of the international team’s F18s were delayed in customs. (Their boats are scheduled to arrive in Clearwater Beach today.) F18 competitors stepped up and offered the use of their boats to the international teams for practice in the warm-up regatta. Congratulations to all who participated in the regatta. Regatta results and photos are on the 2022 Red Gear Racing Championships website.